Start a Blog for Free and Make Money?tips for beginners

In this blog, I provide some effective tips to start a blog for free and make money from it. If you have a blog, you have multiple options to earn from it. For example, if you do advertising on your blog, there are multiple advertiser platforms that pay you for the traffic that visits your blog. AdSense is one of the best platforms for it, but it has some requirements for applying ads to your blog. But if you start earning from the beginning, there is another platform called Adsterra. That platform has no requirements and you can start earning money from the first day.

Read it also~ Top 7 Best Free Blog Hosting Sites for Beginners in 2024

Here are some tips to Start a Blog for Free and Make Money

How to Start a Blog for Free and Make Money?tips for beginner

How to Start a Blog for Free and Make Money?tips for beginner
Pic by ~Asam Azam created with ideogram from How to Start a Blog for Free and Make Money?

In this section on Starting a Blog for Free and Making Money, there are six ways and tips to start a blog that are written below. We talk one by one about each, and I hope by reading this you successfully start a blog.

  • Choose a Niche
  • Select a Blogging Platform
  • Create Quality Content
  • Optimize for SEO
  • Promote Your Blog
  • Monetization Strategies

Choose a Niche:

Choosing a niche is one of the most important steps in start a blog for free and make money from it. . Niche means selecting a topic for your blog, like fashion, news, or online earning. These are some popular niches. Depending on the type of blog you want to write about, make sure that your chosen niche has a potential audience. Research trending topics and perform keyword research. Determine which regions are in great demand and have little competition. I hope that this video help you a lot.

Choosing a niche for your website to Start a Blog for Free and Make Money
Choose a Niche
  • Explore: Research trending topics and perform keyword research. Explore different websites and see their analytics and audience, learn from them, learn how they adapt to this niche, and decide which types of articles they publish on their blog.
  • Decide: After exploring various blogs, you must decide which blog niche, as seen on different blogs, is best for your blog.
  • Focus: After deciding on a niche, you have to focus on it, write blog posts about your niche, and start doing work on your blog regularly.

Select a Blogging Platform:

In the second step, start a blog for free and make money. After successfully establishing your niche, now it’s time to choose a hosting platform for your blogging website. Hosting platforms are of two types: paid and free. If you are a beginner and want to start blogging for free, you can continue with free hosting platforms. This video helps you how you can select a hosting patform

Blogger is the best free hosting platform for beginners. Blogger is straightforward and easy to use, and there are also many other free hosting platforms.

Top 10 Free Hosting Platforms for Beginners in 2024.

  • 000webhost
  • InfinityFree
  • AwardSpace
  • Freehostia
  • ByetHost
  • x10Hosting
  • Google Cloud Platform Free Tier
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS) Free Tier
  • GitHub Pages

Create Quality Content:

Content is a hero in blogging. High-quality content attracts a larger audience to your website. If you write high-quality and informative content, Google algorithms understand that your content is best suited for your audience, and the chance of your content ranking highly on Google is increased because Google’s goal is to provide the best content to their audience. Write engaging posts that provide value to your readers.Add high quality images in your content revelant to your content and add alt text in the image.

Create high Quality Content
Pic by ~Asam Azam created with ideogram

The following steps help you write high-quality content.

  • Explore Topic: To write high-quality content, explore a topic relevant to your niche and explore other blogs to see how they cover this topic. After observation, write a blog on your topic, but better than your competitor.
  • Analysis: To write a better blog than your competitor, analyze your competitor’s blog post, determine what type of keyword they are using in their content, and check their inbound links, outbound links, and backlinks.
  • Keyword Research:There are two types of keywords: short keywords and long keywords. If you are a beginner, you should go with long-tail keywords. Because keywords are very crucial for high-quality content.
  • Images and Headings:Images and headings is important for seo and high quality content that helps your visiting audience in content readiabilty.Most used heading is H1, H2, H3, and H4. Image with alt text is best for seo.

Optimize for SEO:

SEO stands for search engine optimization (SEO), and it is very important to start a blog for free and make money from it which boost your visibility. If your blog or website is not SEO-optimized, Google will not rank your site in its search results. If your site is not ranked in Google searches, no audience will visit it, and you will not be able to earn money from it.

Search engine optimization (SEO)
Pic by ~Asam Azam created with ideogram

To make your site SEO-optimized ,following steps helped you a lot.

  • Add your site to the Google search console.
  • Create a sitemap of your website and submit it to Google Search Console.
  • Choose a light and friendly theme for your website, and make sure it is fully unlocked.
  • Your website speed must be high; it may take some seconds in loading.
  • Write high-quality content that I mentioned above.
  • Create backlinks for your sites.

Promote Your Blog:

After competing in search engine optimization (SEO) of your blog, the 4th step on the list to start a blog for free and make money from it is promotion of your blog. Promotion is an effective way to boost your website’s visibility and is a better way to reach a wider audience. Promotion is of two types: free or paid. In free promotion, you share your website on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and others. In paid promotion, you advertise your website. By promoting your website, your website’s SEO also improved.

Promote Your Blog
Pic by ~Asam Azam created with ideogram

Monetization Strategies:

There are multiple ways to monetize your blog through which you can generate income. After writing high-quality content, it’s time to generate some money from it through ads, affiliate marketing, and sponsored content. For this, your blog needs to rank at Google.

Monetization Strategies
Start a Blog for Free and Make Money

There are multiple ways to monetize your blog that mentioned below.

  • Display Ads
  • Sponsored Content
  • Sell Digital Products
  • Donations

Be Patient and Persistent:

A new blog takes time and effort to become successful. Don’t lose hope, because consistency is the key to success. Keep learning, and don’t discourage yourself. Applying more strategies that work better for your website.

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